What Does a Cat Seizure Look Like?
Al was born with epilepsy. During his short life he had many seizures - from focal seizures to grand mal seizures. They were hard to watch and oftentimes very messy because with the worst seizures he’d lose control of his bowels and bladder. It was ugly. Epilepsy is an ugly, awful disease.
We eventually got Al’s seizures under control, which in his case meant he only had 1-3 seizures a month. But I think it’s educational to show what a cat seizure looks like. Please remember, it may not be easy for some to watch - it may be disturbing to some readers.
Most of the time when I have a #seizure it’s pretty bad. But sometimes I have one that’s not too bad. Here’s one of those from April 2022. #altheepilepticcat #epilepticcat #catsofinstagram #catsoffacebook
Posted by Al the Epileptic Cat on Wednesday, December 14, 2022